Journal Metric

Every views or download of this analysis belongs to a real person or device. Recurring entries via the same IP address are registered as a single visit.

  United States 2.633 9.343
  France 2.449 2.500
Unknown 2.056 4.683
  Turkey 1.684 2.102
  China 1.513 1.573
  Singapore 593 594
  Russian Federation 248 277
  Ukraine 75 75
  India 41 44
  Thailand 15 29
  Belgium 12 12
  Germany 8 35
  Czech Republic 7 7
  Sweden 5 5
  Philippines 4 6
  Uganda 3 3
  Colombia 2 2
  Japan 2 2
  Brazil 2 2
  Italy 2 4
  Indonesia 2 3
  Lithuania 2 2
  Canada 1 15
  Egypt 1 2
  Netherlands 1 3
  Hong Kong 1 2
  United Kingdom 0 12
  Hungary 0 1
  Ireland 0 10
  Europe 0 5
  United Arab Emirates 0 1
  Malta 0 1
  Saudi Arabia 0 2
  Malaysia 0 1
  Kazakhstan 0 1
  Poland 0 6
Total 36 countries